Urbanus dorantes, Dorantes Longtail
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Freshly emerged adult
Description: 20-23 mm - one of two long tailed skippers in Florida. U. proteus has distinctly darker bands on ventral side and green coloration on dorsal side. U. dorantes is brown on top with cream colored dots on forewing.
Habitat and Distribution: Widespread throughout the Keys and can be found in most months. They are more common in the fall months. They inhabit weedy fields and woods where host plant grows
Host Plant: beggers tick (Desmodium incanum) and (Desmodium tortuosum)
Natural History: Adults can be quite common at times and frequently visit flowers in disturbed sites. They have a rapid flight but frequently rest making themselves somewhat approachable
Freshly emerged adult
Worn adult
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Species Pages
Final Instar Larva
Final instar larva alond side of larva of cousin, Urbanis proteus (green)