Phyciodes phaon, Phaon Crescent
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Adult male
Description: 11-16 mm. Dark brown on the dorsal side with bright ornge markings and a crooked yellow band on the forewing. The yellow band is what differentiates this species from P. tharos and Eresia frisia. Ventral side is cream colored with brown and orange spots.
Habitat and Distribution: Southeast United States and Central America. It has been found in most of the upper Keys and Big Pine Key. They live in weedy fields, on hammock edges and disturbed sites.
Host Plant: Carpet flower (Lippia nodiflora)
Natural History: This species is a common butterfly and is very easy to rear. Females lay eggs readily on cuttings of the host plant. They are found in all months of the year and are more commonly found in the upper Keys than in the lower Keys

Egg cluster

Final instar larva


Freshly emerged adult female

Freshly emerged adult male
Freshly emerged adult male
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